The journey of EcoSTEPS is really the journey of my daughter Fleur. Fleur was born 21 years ago on 4 May 1999. In the six months prior Carole Young, StJohn Miall and I had been meeting regularly sharing our dreams, ideas and ambitions for a better world and what we could do personally.
From our original 'Three Musketeers' of the 'triple bottom line' (Economic (Julian), Social (Carole) and Environmental (StJohn) we were then joined over the next year by the 'Gang of Six' Brent Couper (with Joy London), Andrew Gaines, Patrick Longfield, Dennis Clarke, Jan Roberts, Paul Darvodelsky.
1.1.01 Equity for Effort (EFE) scheme introduced
18.4.01 Cecilia Stenstrom becomes shareholder #9.
18.6.02 Tim Heesh becomes shareholder #10.
We ended up with a maximum of 25 shareholders in 2009 before the GFC and its aftermath, combined with our first decade in business meant that a reconceptualization and regeneration was necessary. But that's another story, for another time...

The Values we operate by are:
Courage to say the difficult things, to remain true to our values,
to be rigorous in our pursuit of excellence and to bring our spirit into all that we do.
Care to ensure that balance, integrity, respect, honesty, transparency,
accountability and fun are present in what we do and in our relationships.
Creativity to ensure outstanding results through innovation, flexibility, diversity,
spontaneity, openness to new ideas and a willingness to learn.
Collaboration and partnership characterise our approach as together we achieve more.